Thursday 31 May 2012


Your temperament is even
not raging hot then bitter cold
Your good nature is soothing
Ever pleasant and industrious
You have a peace within you
That others search a lifetime for
A kindness that is not ruffled
By the injustices of life
When in doubt or troubled
You apply spurs to yourself
And get going, sorting, cleaning
Making the changes without
To sort out the balance within
You want to solve the problems
Get to the core – yours or others
A good mind, a good friend
But your beauty has always left me breathless
An inner glow of goodness that the years cannot dispel
Shining clearly through the years undimmed
Enjoying life, frothy coffee
Walnuts and ice-cream, peanuts and your walk
Pacing your steps to match the daydream in your head
Seeing the beauty all around
And nourishing the beauty within

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