Saturday 5 May 2012

less than heroic today

Am feeling rather unwell and this is not the first day.  Am lying in bed feeling more than a little sorry for myself.  When the world contracts to four walls it somehow loses its value.  I can hear the others laughing and getting on with their lives and feel strangely disconcerted.  Not that I expect wailing and gnashing of teeth but it does serve to remind one that we are all not as important as we like to think.  Also, that idea that we are all the heroes of our own little movie is a complete illusion.  We hold it to ourselves in good and bad times and then are forced to see that we are just bit players with a few good lines and loads of crappy scenes.  Time alone allows you to remember all the bad bits and reflect on how things could/should have been done differently.  Ah well, am much better than yesterday and that is a plus.  Pretty soon I’ll be up and about and feeling heroic again.  Anyway, that is the plan.


  1. "Pretty soon I’ll be up and about and feeling heroic again. "And you will be!!!!

  2. Chin up we need more stories!!
