Thursday 13 June 2019

Hyacinths of certitude or worthless weeds?

I don’t know when you began to believe such awful things about yourself. 
What seeds were planted that germinated such crippling weeds to strangle the fair crop that is the real you?

Did malicious tongues bury into your warm soil? 
Eating up the nourishment that is your birthright. 
Or did careless passersby chuck their useless debris into your field to make their own mucky paddock look fair? 
I do not know, I am too far away from you to discern the truth.

These days noxious fumes from polluters seep unbidden between the carefully planted fruiting trees. 
Smothering the wondrous alchemy of life that takes old rancid gasps and pure sunlight to make sweet oxygen filled breaths.

When hope drains away, life’s load becomes unbearable. 
We cannot allow the water of life to be channelled out of our reach. 
Our very being depends on its cleansing purity.

Be sure of this, you are better and worth more than you can possibly imagine! 
Just the thought of you brings a spring to my step and a deep well of contentment to my heart.  
In these days of infestations, storms, floods and droughts you remind me of a hyacinth sprung up beside a heavenly stream. 
Growing in the orchard of true knowledge and refreshed by vitalising breezes. 
May you be kept eternally verdant, fresh and flourishing from the outpouring of clouds from above.

Know your worth, attain your capacity. 
I am ever grateful for your unique flowering head that ever chooses to follow the light.