Monday 12 March 2012

The Ecstasy of Coffee

What can I say, I love the stuff and am searching for the perfect bean - so let me know yours!

It started out rocky I didn’t like the taste
Could only take coffee with shovel loads of sugar
Watched weirdoes with coffee fetishes
Who would put a teaspoon of coffee
In a cup along with a splash of milk
And beat it for five minutes like whirling dervishes
Until smooth like brown treacle
Then satisfied, adding the water hot and steamy
They sighed content with the world within the brown sludge

Or the sniffers, those who pour whole beans
Into grinders and stand in ecstasy
As pulverised beans release their heady aroma.
Ah, the anticipation
The coffee ceremony begins and their hands shake a little
Even as they reach for the container of brown gold beans.

But now I search for the right bean
I’m ashamed to say
I store them carefully in a special container
I’ve bought a grinder
And yes my hand has begun to shake in anticipation of my coffee fix.
More elaborate than any Chinese tea ceremony and much more important.

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