Wednesday 16 February 2022

Lessons from the Bees

There are days that bring a sigh to the heart.  Day followed by day with no respite.  Too many souls feel growing despair within.  At such times it can be hard to remember the joy that will come in the future.  We need to cling to hope,

… that days as sweet as honey may once again return. 


Life sends tests that can crush but perversely that makes good times that follow more joyous.  These highs and lows are both aspects of life’s landscape and give it depth.

Honey doesn't lose its sweetness because it is made by bees that sting. 

Matshona Dhliwayo

But when in the darkest valley of despair, it is hard to gain that perspective that change and recovery are already coming.

This deadly poison shall give way to purest honey, and this sore wound will at last receive a healing balm. 


What can help is the kindness and compassion of those near us. 

Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. 

Proverbs 16:24

A degree of humility however is necessary in order to receive the help we sometimes need.

The world is plentiful with honey, but only the humble bee can collect it. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Progress can come at a surprising speed when there is a clear purpose to any day.

The sweetness of life lies in usefulness, like honey deep in the heart of a clover bloom. 

Laura Ingalls Wilder

In a materialistic world, the competition for resources can blind us to what actually uplifts the spirit.

The bee is more honoured than other animals, not because she labours, but because she labours for others. 

Saint John Chrysostom

To look around and feel truly alone is the very worst form of poverty.  

A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside. 

Winnie The Pooh 

In some ways, this life is about searching, like the bee, for that special flower but the ultimate aim of all such endeavours is love.

Life is the flower for which love is the honey. 

Victor Hugo

 During this search, the watchword is to do no harm, only good.

As a bee without harming the flower ... flies away, collecting only the honey, even so, should the sage wander in the village. 


And this doing good has to become second nature, not a task done for reward or trophy.

We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne. 

Marcus Aurelius 

Monday 31 January 2022

A practical call to action for all

In the last decades many have shown a considerable capacity to learn and to grow.  Hand in hand with that personal development service and love for others has also grown.  Despite all this progress, the coming challenging decades will require abilities seemingly impossible from today’s perspective.  Given this, it is vital that we now seek urgently to fortify both ourselves and the communities we live in.

Often, we find ourselves missing something necessary for our growth, tranquillity and spiritual development. That ideal ingredient for any individual, community or institution is the understanding and belief that all are part of world-wide community.  Only when this concept is accepted can real progress, peace and the serious problems facing humanity begin to be solved.

In any endeavour whether material or spiritual a vision is required, an overriding clarity about the objectives to be achieved. It helps to have this in our minds at all times. Our purpose in life is clear, to work for the betterment of the world and to help humanity to live in concord and harmony.  To achieve this, we will require more than our own endeavours it will also require a vibrant, outward-looking community working alongside us.  The journey to our goal will have to entail both spiritual and material progress.  In order to build momentum, meaningful conversations with those around us are necessary and will help shape that very development. However, if the betterment of the world is to be achieved still more is needed. In order to trigger a society-building power, energies latent, but so far largely unexpressed, in humanity will have to be awakened.  It is worth focussing on some vital much-needed qualities.

Qualities of cooperation and mutual assistance will have to be developed to ensure human society advances in both progress and prosperity.  Sufficient moral vigour and spiritual health will prove basic necessities for individuals and communities everywhere.

The betterment of this world will be dependent on other basic qualities, singularly lacking in today’s society, such as unity, trustworthiness, mutual support, collaboration, fellow feeling, selflessness, commitment to truth, a sense of responsibility, a thirst to learn and most importantly love.  This is not an intellectual exercise in self-advancement it is a practical call to action for all.  Make no mistake, the degree to which we respond to the pressing needs of the age in which we live will determine all our futures and indeed those of future generations.

"The civilization of today, for all its material prowess, has been found wanting.."

The Universal House of Justice 

Sunday 23 January 2022

All at sea learning from the past

In this photo, I was 5 years old and had been dressed up for a fancy dress competition on board the P&O Orient ship, Orcades while travelling home to N. Ireland after two years in Australia.  I have few memories of this except my father telling me to smile and shake my tambourine and hips when parading in front of the judges of a fancy dress competition.  I did neither and scowled at them furious that I should be subjected to this cattle show.  This photo captures me on deck just before the competition started blissfully unaware of what lay ahead. (PS when I first posted this Facebook/Meta blocked my posting as obscene, hence the label!).

The skirt is still in this house, stored in a plastic bag in our garage attic.  My Mum stores everything safely and that is why I also found this document below which was stamped on the exact same trip in May of 1964. 

It records my receiving the Smallpox vaccination on board ship.

Smallpox had been the torment of humanity for over 3000 years. In the 20th century alone 500 million died from this dreadful disease.  Just 55 years ago smallpox was still to be found in 30 countries and 15 million people caught the disease every year. Of those 15 million, 2 million would die.  As a result of this in 1959, the year after I was born, the World Health Organization (WHO) started an initiative to rid the world of smallpox. However, this worthwhile global eradication campaign was short of funds, personnel, vaccines, and most importantly commitment from enough countries. Because of these factors, smallpox was still widespread in 1966, causing regular outbreaks across South America, Africa, and Asia.  The reason for my vaccination on board ship was that we would be stopping at many of the ports still plagued by this disease.  

The world community did not give up and an Intensified Eradication Program began in 1967 with considerable determined effort across the world. The 33rd World Health Assembly was able to declare the world free of this disease on May 8, 1980. In terms of international public health, the eradication of smallpox is considered an outstanding success.  A united world approach worked and today children no longer even need to be immunised against this dreadful killer disease.  

Today's COVID pandemic has caused a division of opinions as well as suffering and loss of lives.  I have relatives who are convinced the whole business is a conspiracy/fake and are devastated at what they see as their loss of freedom.  Another group of relatives has experienced bereavement and are understandably furious that anyone doubts the seriousness of COVID. They feel angry that vaccinations are not being accepted and that those who refuse them end up filling much-needed intensive care beds.  

As always, we will not know the whole story until much later when we look back at all the successes and failures of various countries and their approaches.  I feel the debate has become too toxic of late.  If we are to learn the valuable lessons from such incidents the level of discourse will have to be elevated not debased.  

Following scientific advice, I decided to vaccinate.  With a vulnerable elderly relative, I wanted to do everything in my power to safeguard them and others in my community.  After all,  herd immunity has succeeded in controlling other contagious diseases such as smallpox, polio, diphtheria, and rubella.  There are always people who for serious health reasons are unable to vaccinate and they rely on the herd protecting them.  It reminds me of how a herd of buffalo forms a circle around the young and vulnerable when attacked by predators. If someone chooses not to take a particular vaccine for ideological rather than medical exemption reasons it perplexes and saddens me but does not make me want to protect them any less.  If they can benefit from herd immunity then I am happy.  It is just worrisome when too many make that choice to remain unvaccinated as it can end up threatening the safety of us all.  More importantly, there are other challenges the world are facing now that will necessitate acting in unity.  Without unity, so many other vital endeavours will simply become impossible.

58 years ago I was part of a courageous and daring world experiment to eradicate a killer disease that had plagued the world for over 3 millennia and we must be grateful to all those who initiated, sustained, and participated in that endeavour.  It is only usually in hindsight that we can see the effects of medical intervention on a global scale.  But even from this present perspective, it seems hostility, division, and toxic debates do little to benefit the well-being of our world community. 

"The well-being of mankind, 

its peace and security, 

are unattainable 

unless and until 

its unity is firmly established."


Saturday 15 January 2022

Where and Why are people dying?

The news should faithfully reflect what is happening in the world. Understandably, it is vital that the public is kept informed of issues facing humanity so that appropriate decisions and actions can be taken. In the recent film “Look up” the storyline involves physicists who are horrified to discover that an astronaut will hit the Earth in five months causing an extinction-level event. However, their attempt to get this vital news out to the general public, when political leaders did not respond, was met by the media with a mixture of ridicule, distraction and mockery. The preferred news feature covered was the on/off romance of a famous young female music star. The movie felt tongue in cheek at times but its statement on political power and the role of media highlighted a growing disconnect between what news we consume and the actual important issues facing us as individuals, communities, or as a global community. 

This disengagement has very real consequences to us all.  Especially when facing global pandemics or global warming or water shortages, pollution, economic collapse, famines or wars.  A report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) concluded that there was overwhelming evidence that the “health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.” 

In fact, it is clear that we are not just putting the security of our own lives in jeopardy as already 1 million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction.  It is not too late to act but there is little evidence that the seriousness of the situation has got through either to the general public or our leaders.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released repeated reports that are also frankly frightening from scientists but these have resulted in a minimal response from a distracted, disunited world community.  Why when information is available on the problems facing humanity does the media somehow fail to get across what is important?  Over a century and a half ago the importance of news and the requirements of those who convey the news was spelled out succinctly,

“In this day the mysteries of this earth are unfolded and visible before the eyes, and the pages of swiftly appearing newspapers are indeed the mirror of the world; they display the doings and actions of the different nations; they both illustrate them and cause them to be heard. Newspapers are as a mirror which is endowed with hearing, sight and speech; they are a wonderful phenomenon and a great matter. But it behoveth the writers thereof to be sanctified from the prejudice of egotism and desire and to be adorned with the ornament of equity and justice; they must inquire into matters as much as possible, in order that they may be informed of the real facts, and commit the same to writing.”

Bahá’u’lláh, Bahá’í World Faith, p. 171

It seems clear that invested interests, egos and other agendas have meant that real facts often remain hidden and prevent equity and justice being implemented.  A population that is distracted is also easily manipulated. Take a look at the front page of almost any newspaper, media outlet and be amazed how much of the news is of no worth at all.  Celebrities, scandals, character assassination have become our daily diet alongside tales of murderers, criminals and thieves.  It is not just that real news is so rarely reported it is more that our tastes have become so skewed to the perverse we are not really that interested in anything else.  

So what is real news, worthy of attention?  Well, if people are dying somewhere in the world then surely, we need to hear about that in case something can be done to stop it.  My first investigation turned to available data online for the year 2021 showing how many people died in each country.  However, this is not an accurate comparison as if you have a huge population then it is be expected you would have a larger death toll.  In order to make a proper investigation, you need to calculate the number of deaths per one thousand people per year.  Thankfully someone has already done it.  Here is the link.

I have to confess the top ten countries surprised me, here they are for 2021

1. Bulgaria (15.433)

2. Ukraine (15.192)

3. Latvia (14.669)

4. Lesotho (14.144)

5. Lithuania (13.737)

6. Serbia (13.194)

7. Croatia (13.17)

8. Romania (13.099)

9. Georgia (12.816)

10. Russia (12.785)

If you read further down the reasons for such high death rates in each country is outlined and makes for depressing reading. It consists of low vaccination rates, poor health systems, alcohol abuse, HIV/AIDS, smoking (e.g. 25% of the population of Croatia smoke), cardiovascular disease, cancer, suicide, road accidents, homicide etc. It also surprised me that Lesotho is the only African country in the top ten countries with high death rates.  Stunning to find out that life expectancy at birth in Lesotho is 56 years for females and 52 years for males.  In Hongkong, the life expectancy is 84.7 for females and 81.8 years for males. This means males in Hongkong will live on average almost 30 years longer than a male in Lesotho! 

What do these facts tell us? Well, it certainly reminds us that equity and justice are not being experienced by a lot of nations.  Another useful resource to look at to see where we are globally is the link below.  Check out how many cigarettes are being smoked worldwide and how much money is being earned from illegal drugs the figures blow one’s mind devastating that there are at present over 785 million of us without access to safe drinking water.

Finally, genocide is often what jumps to mind when you think of deaths worldwide and there is a useful link that monitors genocide worldwide putting areas into either genocide watch, genocide warning or genocide emergency categories depending on how serious the situation is.

This is important because sometimes there are signals of approaching trouble.  In Rwanda in 1994 between 500,000 to 800,000 people were slaughtered in over less than four months (7th April – 5th July) and half a million women were raped. In hindsight it was discovered that from January 1993 to March 1994, a total of 500,000 machetes were imported into Rwanda, statistically one for every three adult Hutus in the country. 

There are studies that allow us to monitor violence worldwide and see where mass killing is happening for 2020/2021.  The early signs seem to have consistent features and these include among other elements,

Instability: One of the strongest signs of the potential for genocide is large-scale instability (armed conflict, a coup, revolution, or uprising). In these environments, leaders and citizens may be more willing to consider violence to protect themselves and what they value.  

Ideology: Genocide often happens when leaders believe that some people in the country are inferior or dangerous because of their race, religion, or national or ethnic origin. 

Discrimination and violence against groups: Where genocide occurs, there usually have been earlier acts of discrimination, persecution, and violence against people who belong to a certain group. 

Make no mistake the people living in the areas highlighted on this map are experiencing very real danger.  If we were experiencing this we would probably try to flee for safety. It is not surprising then that 26.4 million people around the world live as refugees.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has just given a New Year’s Address and in light of all that has been mentioned above, I wanted to start this year with his words not least because the world’s media will probably not be sharing it widely.

“The world welcomes 2022 with our hopes for the future being tested.

By deepening poverty and worsening inequality.

By an unequal distribution of COVID vaccines.

By climate commitments that fall short. 

And by ongoing conflict, division, and misinformation.

These are not just policy tests.

These are moral and real-life tests.

And they are tests that humanity can pass — if we commit to making 2022 a year of recovery for everyone.

Recovery from the pandemic — with a bold plan to vaccinate every person, everywhere.   

Recovery for our economies — with wealthier countries supporting the developing world with financing, investment and debt relief.

Recovery from mistrust and division — with a new emphasis on science, facts and reason.

Recovery from conflicts — with a renewed spirit of dialogue, compromise and reconciliation.

And recovery for our planet — with climate commitments that match the scale and urgency of the crisis.

Moments of great difficulty are also moments of great opportunity.

To come together in solidarity.

To unite behind solutions that can benefit all people.”

Friday 3 December 2021

A potpourri of pieces

I ran a writer’s group in Ireland many years ago and would use a blue notebook during these sessions.  Often I would suggest writing tasks/triggers and everyone would have a go.  In the silent moments of concentration I too, would scribble ideas.  This same notebook I found in my mother's garage this week and decided to use some of the half-thought-out ideas in this blog posting. They are far from complete and diverse and I’d forgotten their existence but somehow it feels right to resurrect and share them now. These are the first two pieces.  One meditative in quality and the other a science fiction fantasy tale.

1. The calm of the morning

I find if I start the day off right it all flows better. By starting right I mean I find a quiet spot on a chair near a window in my home. There, I begin by looking out and drinking in the view. My thoughts race here and there. On the birds, in the hedges, the clouds closing in, and the pain in my back. Then, the thoughts begin to settle like a flock of birds landing on the lawn. I remember all the people past and present I love and pray for their protection and happiness. Going a bit deeper and I look inward thinking about who I am and what I need to change. If I sit long enough even these thoughts disappear. Stillness comes, a tiny moment of calm. There is suddenly a sense of well-being, of being mindful in this world. I find myself grateful for another day, another chance to do things better, to be a better person.  

As Saint Jerome (342–347 AD), an early translator of the Bible,  so eloquently put it,

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.

2. Unity, not science saves the day (Sci-Fi)

It has been an incredible unlikely breakthrough, discovering that by placing large mirrors in space it was possible to reverse global warming. The Max Planck Institute in Hamburg Germany had come up with this amazing piece of geoengineering. The physics was simple enough, the mirrors reflected the sun's rays away from the Earth and by selectively reducing the incoming rays were able to precisely compensate for the extra trapped heat. Global temperatures were brought down to preindustrial levels in a surprisingly short period of time.  The headlines screamed ‘Scientists to the Rescue’ and the world population heaved a communal sigh of relief.  Several Pacific islands under threat from flooding of their low-level land were saved.  Glacier coverage at the poles went from a frightening reduction rate to a more stable state. 

What was really clever about the system called (Geo Electromagnetic Management System - GEMS) was that when temperatures plummeted due to a severe winter in the northern hemisphere careful adjustment of the radio-controlled mirrors were able to direct extra sunlight to an entire snowbound eastern coastal region of the US and helped clear transport lines, reduce freezing temperatures and yet prevent urban flooding. It seemed these mirrors could not only combat global warming but could also be used to moderate any severe weather fluctuations. It was felt that GEMS was a super version of the massive dams which had controlled water supply in the previous centuries. It was just that now, these enormous mirrors could enable an equally sensitive control of the sunlight hitting our earth. The Max Planck Institute made millions and won the Nobel prize in physics for their startlingly clever invention. Then, things began to go wrong.

It two decades to discover that just as the massive dams across rivers in the US had in fact damaged huge swaths of ecosystems these mirrors had been having unknown impacts on ocean temperatures.  As one eminent scientist explained it, 

“It is a bit like controlling one simple part of a complex global interrelated process for your own ends.  As a result of GEMS, other vital features of the planet’s wellbeing are thrown out of sync.  Unfortunately, the damage done is irreparable and irreversible.  The end result is that we will just have to live with the consequences of what has been done.”  

This was dismissed as nonsense by the management team at GEMS who pointed out that such naysayers always underestimated what science could achieve. Adjustments could be made and errors reduced. Popular opinion was behind the scientists and it took a decade before the GEMS mirrors were dismantled.  Arguments raged across the world as to the correct course of action with toxic polarisation of the pro-GEMS population and the anti-GEMS.  Any attempt at a reasonable discourse appeared impossible in such a rancid climate of debate. By that stage, ocean warming had passed the tipping point and runaway climate change triggered huge loss of life across the globe. Disunity bred dissension and disease and it took another century for unity to come.  When a world community eventually began to act as one, positive change was remarkable.  As one comedian said, “It was as if the whole earth’s system was waiting for us to get our act together before it would play ball!”  

“It is the light of the intellect which gives us knowledge and understanding …”


Wednesday 10 November 2021

Alone and a bit lost?

Prayer is such a personal affair.  Perhaps the most personal of all communication. So speaking of it is tricky. After all, if the condition of prayer is communing with God should we even attempt to discuss such a private thing with others?  A good definition is perhaps the best place to start.

"The state of prayer is the best of conditions, for man is then associating with God."


Knowing what we can endure, accept or change is a fundamental part of that critical conversation.

"God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference. "

Reinhold Niebuhr

Prayer has always been much more than asking for things. It has always been even more than just words, it is an act that should have real consequences.  If we pray without subsequently arising to carry out deeds worthy of that divine connection then of what worth are we or our words?

"This is worship: to serve mankind and to minister to the needs of the people. Service is prayer." 


Often prayers are a call of affirmation, or a call for assistance from God and can bring comfort to a soul in trouble and have done so for thousands of years.  We cannot use the following words without thinking of all those before us who have whispered such a heartfelt plea at moments when all seemed hopeless.

Even though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death,

I fear no evil;

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff–they comfort me.

Psalms 23: 1-6

In this prayer David speaks to God in terms that any shepherd would have found familiar.  Three thousand years ago a shepherd like David carried a rod and a staff to protect his sheep. The rod was a cudgel: a short, thick, heavy stick worn in his shepherd's belt. The staff was usually a long, lightweight pole with a curved end, a crook, that controlled the sheep and kept them safe within the flock.  Both could be used by the shepherd to protect his animals from any predator.  This prayer is a reminder that God’s presence, like the shepherd, is always there to protect and guide us in very real and tangible ways.  The recital of such powerful prayers influences our spirit in ways akin to a cleansing process.  It has been compared to bathing quite beautifully in the following quote.

"Prayer is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself."

St. John Vianney

Those who fill their life with prayer and real service to others recognise that prayer is not a one-sided communication. On the contrary, the most important part of prayer is invariably the silence and listening that follows or even begins communion with God. 

"God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer."

Mother Teresa

There are often too many words in our prayers and a reluctance to really listen. Just as when talking to family and friends it is not the quantity of the conversation that matters but its quality. 

"The most acceptable prayer is the one offered with the utmost spirituality and radiance; its prolongation hath not been and is not beloved by God."

The Báb

A reluctance to pray can be from overconfidence in our own abilities.  Admitting one needs help is not a sign of weakness. Many outstanding individuals have used prayer when they found the challenges facing them beyond endurance.

"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day."

Abraham Lincoln

The prayers of saints can be that potent mixture of communion with God and setting noble goals.

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,

Where there is injury, pardon

Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope,

Where there is darkness, light,

Where there is sadness, joy."

St. Francis of Assisi

Our parents devote much time, energy, and love to us and an expression of gratitude is often the only worthwhile response to that devotion.

"It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, supplicate God to bestow mercy and forgiveness upon his parents. Thereupon God’s call will be raised: “Thousand upon thousand of what thou hast asked for thy parents shall be thy recompense!”

The Báb

There can be times when we feel there is no answer to our prayers and God seems very far away.  That can mean that the answer is simply no. Regarding the huge distance, we find ourselves from God the question it prompts is, “Who has moved”? Even the act of turning in the right direction, whatever the response or distance, can bring unexpected blessings.

"A generous prayer is never presented in vain; the petition may be refused, but the petitioner is always, I believe, rewarded by some gracious visitation."

Robert Louis Stevenson

Indeed, sometimes we focus so entirely on the dialogue that we forget the spirit behind such communion is more important than the words.

"It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without heart."

Mahatma Gandhi

The saying “Trust in God, but tie your camel” is a useful practical suggestion. Our actions and spiritual growth can require different motivations.

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."

St. Augustine

Sometimes we just need the simplest and shortest of prayers and this is one that works for me.

"Is there any Remover of difficulties save God?  Say: Praised be God!  He is God!  All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!"

The Báb