Showing posts with label care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label care. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Keeping afloat in hospital

I watched a young mother phone her family from her hospital bed across from me.

The conversation was overheard in the darkness of the ward with about 10 beds. Full of those recently involved an accident or illness and an awful lot of elderly patients were in their midst. It was a group with which I was surrounded and I was kept awake at night by their groans of pain and sometimes excruciating cries of agony. Who knew that even a simple bed sore could cause every movement to be torturous? I grew to recognise the victim behind the drawn curtains. Their voices their groans and cries became familiar. Familiar but impossible to get used to. I don’t think we’re meant to lie and hear such suffering without responding in some way. And if we can’t respond by doing something useful then surely, we’re meant to respond in other ways? I think to be a human being is to be impacted by the suffering of others. If that does not occur, if there is no empathy then we’re all in trouble, deep trouble. 

The conversation started quite innocently she was telling her husband that she might have to stay another night in hospital, when they had been convinced that her release would be the next day. All her family members had been quite excited during visiting time that she would be back among them again not here imprisoned in the hospital ward with us. But a doctor had just informed her that her blood results were not quite as they should be and she would need to be another night tethered to a drip pumping medication through her system for hours. Devastated, she had phoned her husband late in the evening to break the bad news. He had sounded stoic. He was the one looking after their four-year-old daughter and probably had much juggling to do there, as well as keeping his young wife’s spirit high in this impossible situation. However, when he handed the phone to his daughter so that the four-year-old could say good night to her mummy, the four-year-old had been devastated. She cried. “I want my mummy! I want you here!” and just kept repeating the same thing again and again. Her mother was encouraging and bright and cheerful and said, “I’ll be there soon don’t worry it soon, it’s okay don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll be home soon. I’ll soon be with you”, in a happy, enthusiastic voice. But the tears of the breathless four-year-old would not stop. The conversation ended and suddenly all the bravado that she had been bravely summoning drained away and she put her hands over her face and sobbed in the darkness. 

It’s heart-breaking at times this life. There’s not much anyone can do about that. But the least we can do is to be aware of the pain and the suffering and the hurt and not shut our eyes to it. What I wanted to highlight was how wonderful people can be in the face of such things. 

There was a Polish lady at the end of the ward who didn’t speak English and who tried repeatedly to engage with people with laughter with hand movements, but it’s difficult when you don’t know the language. Gradually, she became more subdued and more withdrawn. You could see the difference after three days her gestures became smaller and attempts to engage others stopped completely. Then, on the ward appeared a young doctor, not one of the ones who usually covered our medical ward, and he approached her bed and started speaking fluent Polish to her. It was wonderful to see her reaction at first incredulous and then this outpouring of words and sentences, talking excitedly. Her eagerness and happiness and opening of the floodgates was wonderful to behold. They chatted for about 10 minutes then he left. I wish he could’ve seen the lasting transformation his 10-minute visit meant to that elderly lady. It was one of those game changers and out of the sullen recluse emerged the chatty funny woman again.  

My next-door neighbour phoned to ask if I needed anything.  She was going abroad for a week but wanted me to know her husband was available for anything I needed. My other neighbour who lives opposite spotted me reversing out of our yard and ran over to ask about my relative in hospital.  Her concern was touching and she leaned in through my window and gave me a huge bone-crunching hug.  The neighbour on the other side stopped me on the pavement to present me with a huge cake yesterday.  It means so much to have kindness shown in difficult times.  I  make a mental note to be more attentive and responsive to those in need of kindness.

"Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who may cross your path."


Friday, 11 December 2015

Managing Animals with kindness

Teaching animal management for two years in a college in Northern Ireland was a good experience. The teenagers were full of heart and soul. They looked out for each other and radiated goodwill. I was shocked at how wholesome the group was despite Mohican haircuts, piercings and tattoos. In the animal room in the college we had hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, rabbits and on occasion dogs, cats, kittens and puppies, miniature goats and snakes. The students had to learn animal handling skills and needed to practice. When I started I viewed these kids as dangerous to the vulnerable animals. With each passing month I reversed my position and realised the kids had much more to fear from the animals.  

These kids harboured no nastiness but I knew even carelessness can damage. However, I saw nothing but consideration and kindness shown towards the animals. Even then I was careful. People in my experience can be kind in public but in private moments lash out. Just because they were gentle when I watched did not mean that when left alone in charge of an animal they might show another side.  Being a teacher made you suspicious of humanity! You discover those with no discipline, those who are physically careless, the occasional student totally void of conscience and it makes you guarded and cynical. For example, I taught pure science in a college in a different town twice a week.  The science students there had a few cruel students in their midst. You saw the way they hurt others in the corridor by word and deed. As a teacher you intervened as necessary, but was well aware that such viciousness would find its expression in other areas outside your control. Students who desire to hurt others can find spaces to practice their favourite sport. Educators have to be equally inventive to spoil their game. 

Walking from one group with such dynamics back into my animal management class was like emerging into sunlight. You got to focus on niceties instead of the basics of civil behaviour. On one session on euthanasia they were shown videos of dogs being euthanised. Such was the effect on these tender hearts I learned to have a game or outing to compensate for the anguish it in engendered. Many of them did their weekly placements in vets around the town. They spoke of young healthy dogs been put down because owners had lost interest, moved house or divorced. Their outrage was tangible. Another student spoke about how an animal nurse had sniggered while euthanising an elderly ill dog. The class was outraged at this insensitivity and all pledged to do things better. No laughter or smiles in such circumstances. The ending of life deserved respect. Months after the death of a dog, a heartless snigger can be both brutal and unkind for its owner. One boy said a man brought in his dog to be euthanised and acted as if it was no big deal. All swagger and brass indifference. As the dog died the vet gently stroked the dog on the table. The owner started sobbing and crying in an emotional outburst which surprised the student.  It was another lesson learned. People often hide what they're really feeling. Don't make assumptions.

 All had tales to tell of pets they lost. The bereavement was often still raw years later and would fill the classroom with its intensity. The tenderness of their hearts was a mighty lesson for me. I confess I had become jaded in teaching. You begin to expect less of students and even less of yourself. You wait to be disappointed with their actions.  This class revived my hope in humanity. They were therapy to be with and to this day I am so grateful for what they taught me -  “Every child is potentially the light of the world.”

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Nappies in Malta

Was on a bus in Malta heading from the University to Sliema and happened to sit beside a rather talkative Maltese lady.  When you are new to a place even such mundane conversations become frissons of excitement as they become a window to this totally new culture you find yourself in. 

She was middle-aged and was coming from visiting her mother-in-law who was in an institution for the elderly on the island.  As her mother in law is in her nineties and very confused much has to be done for her.  The Maltese government has a scheme to help those looking after elderly parents, but it has, she told me, many restrictions.  For example, they only pay for some of the incontinence pads, or nappies and the family have to supplement for the rest.  She said as a nurse herself she was horrified to find that the home where her mother-in-law is kept puts three nappies on at once.  This is very uncomfortable for the patient she said and is laziness on the part of the staff.  They also don’t use the lifting device provided but merely haul out her mother–in-law from her chair when changing her.  This drags her heels on the ground and causes ulcers.  With daily visits and nursing she told me she had managed to almost cure the ulcers but was incensed to discover that yesterday they had again not used the lifting device and pulled her out of the chair with the result the skin was now broken and raw.  She sighed her disappointment, “They just won’t listen, they must do it their way!”  I sympathised, it seems the world is having to cope with an aging population everywhere and is woefully prepared for the task. 

We both agreed that in the future those looking after the vulnerable in our society should be the very best of us.  Those with high moral principles and integrity alone should be in such places of responsibility.  Then we both sighed as we pondered the impossibility of finding such paragons.   She then whispered that in her ward the other nurses always called her if someone was dying.  She prayed with them and kept them company in their last minutes as others were often either too busy or too distressed for this task.  She sighed again and then got out at the next stop.  A rather drab, women with bags of shopping under each arm and wearing slippers well worn at the heel.   She joked with the bus driver as she swung out of the bus and I hugged myself at glee that she exists, that I met her and dare to hope more like her are out there everywhere.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Dear Ursula Muhlschlegel

Tiny in frame both in height and breadth
white of hair, curious eyes behind
gold circles of glasses.
She has a bedroom laid out like an office
with pencils sharpened, rubbers, rulers all at hand
the drawer beneath holds envelopes
stamps and piles of crisp writing paper.
All is ordered and tidy, taken care of.
Breakfast with her is meticulous
with linen napkins in matching holders.
Tablecloth blistering white
and pots of tea and coffee just at hand.
Even as she serves you crisp fresh
bread rolls and hot drinks
you breath the aroma of
thoughtfulness that goes into
everything and every action.
Consume her kindness in word and deed
knowing that the heart within this
tiny lady beats a mighty tune
take care, take care, take care
possess a pure and radiant heart
it seems to shout.