Showing posts with label Ursula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ursula. Show all posts

Saturday 23 March 2024

Courtesy is such an old-fashioned word but a wonderful art indeed


She had a warm smile of greeting and she spoke kindly showing careful loving attention towards all guests. Her open heart welcomed you to her simple tidy home with generosity. Talking with her reminded me of conversations long ago, in black-and-white movies, where it seemed each word and gesture was carefully weighed and considered.  But it is the feeling her courtesy generated that I remember most.  She was doing not just everything to avoid offending you but also providing a safe space for you to be. Where you knew no harm but only help and love would come your way. Her determination to be courteous provided a safety net for every hurt soul that came her way.

"Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who may cross your path."

Bahá'í Writing

Saturday 14 April 2012

Dear Ursula Muhlschlegel

Tiny in frame both in height and breadth
white of hair, curious eyes behind
gold circles of glasses.
She has a bedroom laid out like an office
with pencils sharpened, rubbers, rulers all at hand
the drawer beneath holds envelopes
stamps and piles of crisp writing paper.
All is ordered and tidy, taken care of.
Breakfast with her is meticulous
with linen napkins in matching holders.
Tablecloth blistering white
and pots of tea and coffee just at hand.
Even as she serves you crisp fresh
bread rolls and hot drinks
you breath the aroma of
thoughtfulness that goes into
everything and every action.
Consume her kindness in word and deed
knowing that the heart within this
tiny lady beats a mighty tune
take care, take care, take care
possess a pure and radiant heart
it seems to shout.