Thursday 28 April 2016

Squeezing oranges - undiluted self, pips and all

I write, I pour out my angst,
My guts, my blood.
This is no way to earn a living
It is an opening of the heart
For no reason, but passion.
The need to create,
To let the energy flow.
Not because the world thinks it's worth a jot.
But because such outpouring
is beyond its creator’s control.

I do not ask myself why be creative?
I ask myself, how can I stop?
So judge not, if crap flows.
Or at times worthy insights emerge.
The need to pour
Oneself undiluted, 
good or bad
Is a call to be alive
All must answer in their own way.


  1. Love this. I wish I was better at letting my creativity flow.

    1. you have no idea how encouraging your words are to me. Please let your creativity flow and share the results with me! xx
