Showing posts with label swim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swim. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 May 2012

freezing white plump middle aged

Greetings dear Friend
You have been my companion through half a century.
Through anorak holidays in the rain, excitedly pumping big pennies into slot machines
And a fellow traveller in exploring Europe for the first time in our heady student days
Wherever I’ve been in good times and bad
You’ve been there, travelling across the globe to keep the link alive
Making the effort to call or write
Using every means to bridge the distance
You’ve been generous and kind
I remember my fiftieth birthday and you took me to my first spa
Soaking up the novelty of being pampered head to toe
I remember all the laughter and time together and grin

I hate how every year in April you come to the north coast and insist we enter the sea at the White Rocks in bathing suits, freezing white Plump middle aged women screaming with the pain
Why did that become a tradition I want to know!