Showing posts with label sorry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sorry. Show all posts

Friday 13 December 2013

Unusual sunbathers

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

I spotted the two on the rocks near the shore
Concerned because they were so still
Roasting in the mid day sun
Skin parboiled like red cabbage
Drunk tourists recovering from a heavy night
Spending the dark hours poisoning their major organs
Now intent on barbequing their largest organ too
Holidays the freedom and time to
Abuse yourself as you see fit,
Sheer fun for one and all

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

My happy cousin timed her meticulous suntan to the minute
Fifteen minutes on front and then back
Even her sides got their blasting
As she perched like soda bread on the griddle

Arms uplifted to let the sun get hidden crevices
“How can something that feels so good be bad for you?”
She’d grin and laugh. Freckled and happy from the sun.

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

Sunbathing, I reckon is the closest
Most people get to meditating
Trapped by the sun’s rays
Made limp by the heat
They close their eyes and are silent for once
Feeling nature work its magic on each pore
Exfoliated by sand, massaged by salty sea water
The fresh air pumps into lungs
Usually office bound
And for that second they are in the moment

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

When a child I would build sand cars
As the tide came in I’d reinforce my bonnet,
Flatten off my front seat
Place shells for speedometers
The feeling of ownership
And pride in construction
Then, I’d sit while the tide came in
Wearing down my sand defences
There was that delightful moment
When the tide encircled
My car became an exquisite boat
Followed by disaster and destruction
Never made any easier by repetition
My sorrow intense
As my creation washed away

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

These refugees risk everything
For a chance
Setting to sea
Paying a fortune
A shot at freedom
Fleeing war, poverty, pain or fear
They set out against the elements
And all sense
On tiny ships ill equipped
Children clasped
The fragrance of hope and salt on their lips
This Mediterranean has become a graveyard
For people who had no choice
But to take a chance
Their bodies washed up on sandy beaches
Weeks later
Bloated symbols of what has been lost

Unusual sunbathers
Prone on the sand
Searching an escape from their lives

Sunday 29 July 2012

Sorry lads, could not resist!

You hear the warnings about things that appear in Facebook, Myspace etc, unexpected photographs, videos taken by others while you all unaware show aspects of yourself that you would not dream of exposing.  Horrid people are out there willing to do the dirty.  Having begun to back up all the laptops and computers as part of the house move I have been stumbling upon photographs of my kids at young ages and have been putting them up willynilly on my facebook.  Apologies for those subjected to these.  But coming across videos taken by my sons that are still on hard drives that I have never seen has proved extremely entertaining.  It worries me greatly that this is how they behave when driving a car, but it made me chuckle and will no doubt make them cringe so here goes.  Let it be a warning to this generation of mobile phone recorders.  No one is safe!

Monday 28 May 2012

Bullies getting their just deserts!

In the early hours of sleepless mornings I find myself surfing the net.  Weird and wonderful things are found and then so too horrible scarring ones.  For some reason watching bullies get their just deserts is a particular favourite on mine.  As if justice being dispensed in these individual cases rights the wrongs done down through the years to all of us in some shape or other.  So here are a few of my heroes taking a stand.

The first is a bully on the subway targeting a woman passenger, a bystander finds an unusual way to bring things to an humiliating end for the bully.

The next is where a long suffering neighbour who puts up with a lot of verbal and physical abuse finally deals out justice to a thug.  By the time he actually responds you are cheering with the neighbours watching.

The last is a boxer walking with his girlfriend in a park.  Two men decide to cause trouble punching the girlfriend for no reason.  Big mistake as the boxer demonstrates his skills.

Yes, I know it is all a bit violent but in the early hours of the morning it is strange what entertains.