Showing posts with label car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car. Show all posts

Sunday 29 July 2012

Sorry lads, could not resist!

You hear the warnings about things that appear in Facebook, Myspace etc, unexpected photographs, videos taken by others while you all unaware show aspects of yourself that you would not dream of exposing.  Horrid people are out there willing to do the dirty.  Having begun to back up all the laptops and computers as part of the house move I have been stumbling upon photographs of my kids at young ages and have been putting them up willynilly on my facebook.  Apologies for those subjected to these.  But coming across videos taken by my sons that are still on hard drives that I have never seen has proved extremely entertaining.  It worries me greatly that this is how they behave when driving a car, but it made me chuckle and will no doubt make them cringe so here goes.  Let it be a warning to this generation of mobile phone recorders.  No one is safe!