Welcome grandson
Into a world being rolled up
Can I speak of my delight in your arrival
It is impossible to describe
How the universe has changed
Because of your sweet appearance
I watch in awe your expressions
Tiny toes, fingers grasping
Sweetness of expression
Sound, fixed gaze
Inspecting this world
With huge dark eyes
As if looking to see something of worth out there
Moving fists to gain control of coordination in air
And lungs learn to control
the important inward movement of that life giving substance
whilst your digestive system masters the tender art of
the same life force from both ends!
A masterful ability
One of many that you will need to perfect
Welcome little one
May you progress and develop each precious day
May you bring joy and radiance
To this weary world
As you have brought to my heart
Listening to my son
Welcome you to this big wide world
Was as epic
As the turning of the spheres
My heart laid bare and shaken
With new born love
I breathe in your presence
And have to shout my delight
Welcome grandson