Showing posts with label risks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label risks. Show all posts

Sunday 15 April 2012

Pain - a path of Grace or a damaged zone?

There are times when emotions must be allowed to run where they will.  By refusing to allow them free reign it just creates a dangerous build up of hurtful feelings behind a weak dam of self will.  Rather if they are allowed to trickle where they will, one does enter forbidden regions dark and loathsome but eventually sunshine shores are discovered around unexpected corners.  The damage that is done by clinging to emotions is that long after the event, flooding has wrought havoc through previously healthy regions.  The resulting clean up inside, can take the rest of one’s life and even then not be successful.  The preoccupation with damage control will not sanction the healthy regrowth of natural emotional undergrowth.

To see a future, some hope, some way out is so important and yet during a stage of grief there is no such light.  Tears come and go yet strangely little relief.  The relief that does come is usually mostly self- pity or some other self indulgence and as such is leading nowhere good.

Time will usher you from one form of grief to another and the progress is personal, not to be forced, not to be slowed.  Those you love can sometimes act as a bridge over deep chasms that would slow progress or vice-a-versa lose you much ground.  These are acceptable risks, life without love is much too pointless and these advances and setbacks should be accepted with as much grace as possible.  It is strange that in moments of pain, loss, anger, and resentment it is then that one’s resources of what I can only call grace are at their peak.  Grace, those moments when a transcending emotion takes hold and lifts one above normal human limits into a different plane altogether.  From this plane one gets a glimpse of the purpose of all these degrees of pain, a vision of the path that is the river of your life and a sense of rightness amidst all that has seemed so wrong.