Showing posts with label guppies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guppies. Show all posts

Monday 11 June 2012

Best Times Worst Times, Guppies and Adsense

Happiest moment giving birth. Just blew me away this tiny person whose arrival made me forget the pain.  Given my extremely low pain threshold generally this was no small feat!

The saddest – losing loved ones.  I remember my nephew Adam was three when my brother and his wife moved into their new three-storey home.  In the carrying things to and fro they noticed Adam in floods of tears.  After a while, once he had calmed a little, all he would say was, “It’s too, too sad!”   Following more tears, they eventually found out that a small fish had managed to jump out of the fish tank being carried up the steep stairs.  Unnoticed, Adam had sat mesmerised with horror as the tiny guppy flopped its last moments at his very feet.  His father pointed out, had he said what had happened earlier the tiny fish could have been saved.   This caused an even greater burst of crying, to have witnessed such horror and now to find he was responsible!  Poor Addie, his cry of “It’s too, too sad!” is echoed by all of us who lose loved pets. 

But when the loss is a person who has filled your life with laughter and love for decades the void they leave can be devastating.  Much, much later, when they come to your mind and bring a smile to your heart, you realize they are still there to inspire you, the distance is a mere illusion.

All of you attentive ones will have noticed the adverts have disappeared from the sides of my blog.  These were courtesy of Adsense a company that places adverts and depending on clicks earns revenue.  Today, Adsense no longer will be placing adverts, so those of you who have been bombarded with “Mature dating sites”, “wrinkle cream”, “Stomach reducing techniques” etc will no longer be subjected to these.  Weird, how they choose the adverts to appear.  Worrying at times!  I never got the hang of how to edit certain advertisers so it is with some relief I no longer have to worry about it.  I have also reduced my postings to once every two days or so, due to popular requests.  You can get too much of a good thing I’m told!