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Showing posts with label all. Show all posts

Friday 7 March 2014

Fast Dreams

Into the new day
From the dark night
Thoughts rise to you
Steel endeavours to obey
Urges heart to love
Clear the fog of indecision
From the path ahead
Allow the channels
Of inspiration to flow
Through this muddy
Waste pipe of life.

I stumble and fall
Far from where I am meant to be
Crawling ungainly over rough ground
Head low not high
Soaring over earthly business
Demeaned by apathies and appetites
Bemoaned by celestial forces
Unsure, hesitating
Sword sheathed.
While the battle rages
Fighting whimpering inner foes
Instead of the enemies without
That rob us of our birthright

Dreams of fear
Loved one covered in sores
Raw and pus filled
Missing parts of limbs
Melted my heart with horror
“Oh My dear one!”
I cry out in pity and pain
But he looked at me with such
Sweet long suffering
As if to say,
You only have to look
Imagine how it is for me!
And then tried to cheer me
Glad to be awoken from such a dream

Searching for a better me
Among the ruins of existence
Trying to clear a path
Remember the reason for this life
A glimpse of light ahead
Reminds me of a purpose
Long forgotten amidst
The futile business of life

Dreamt of a relative giving me tea
Special healing infusion
That strengthened
The elixir handed out so generously
So typical of her sweet nature
We were on a mountain slope
With epic journeys to be tackled
Her kindness anchored goodness in me
I awake to find it time to rise
My dreams and this world
Are fraying and meeting
At the unfolding edges
Each night another thread of the tale
Leads me on.

Awoke this morning
Another dream fresh
I scramble to remember
But it has evaporated
Like joy and pain
All things pass
Shadows on the cave wall
From the fire reflecting
The real life outside
Into this valley of darkness
I awake to the lack of light
Aware that just behind the veil
Lies everything worthy.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Homesickness - Already!!

I know, I know I was waxing lyrical about Malta in my last blog.  So after only four days here why do I feel suddenly so low.  I mean people come here on two week breaks and are probably happier during this fortnight than the rest of their year.  So why after four days am I feeling the pull of all things familiar?  It’s not the place to be honest, having been brought up in Northern Ireland I can honestly say its faults are branded into my memory banks.  But it is the people.  You remember all the people that mean so much to you and a longing to see them, laugh together, hug them sweeps over you.  It swamps all the present beauty around me and in this beautiful spot I see that I am strangely bereft.  My Dad used to say Irish homesickness is a terminal disease.  I suddenly know what he means.  You feel the tug of all those who love you and the passing of each 24 hours without them seems unendurable.  The clock is ticking, on which we have an allotted span and it is intolerable to waste a moment.  So to all of you back home hug close those you hold dear.  Have those conversations, walks and hugs.  Take delight in being so close, don’t waste a second in arguments.

 And here from a bench in the shade overlooking the Med know how much I miss you and suddenly long for your presence.