Wednesday, 10 June 2015

part 2 of Readers - Science fiction attempt

Readers (continued, part 2) for first section see Readers part 1

I met Dickens outside the Cybersleep centre. He was shocked to see me and sounded different. His voice was unrecognizable. Sounding peculiar like an out of tune guitar with discordant notes and the volume not in control. It was his eyes that told me who he was, those green eyes with flecks of gold sprinkled around the cornea. I'd read somewhere it was an indication of a disease. Careful studies had found a gene responsible and precautions taken to screen out the anomaly. No such eyes had appeared for at least three decades. It was strangely heartening to see them again. Like being shown an ancient artifacts from the 21st century. Nostalgia swept over me and I answered warmly. 
“Dickens, I have not seen you for almost 50 years!”
He answered slowly struggling to articulate his h’s. 

“Forty eight years, it was at the middle age convention, do you remember?”

Dickens corrected me and then went on, his voice growing stronger and more certain with each minute,

“I took a deep sleep forty seven years ago. My health director indicated disease predictors required it,” he pointed to his eyes. “Woke up and had the treatment. Stupid thing really, they discovered how to deal with the disease 20 years earlier. I complained to the authorities but apparently being two decades out in such things is no longer considered incompetence. If the director had been out by three decades I would have had a substantial claim. Just my luck!”
He shook his hand warmly above my hand and I waved back. It had been the flu endemic of the 23rd century that had changed human interaction substantially. Apparently, humans used to actually shake hands with complete strangers. After 20 million were wiped out by a flu epidemic that spread purely by skin contact, handshakes were banned. Nowadays, it was an intricate business with different types to suit each occasion. Dickens had responded to my friendly wave palm down with a 10cm gap just above my own hand. Strangers involved a greeting with the opposite side hand wave. Readers never responded to a wave. They stood well back and scanned. The difficulty with advanced intuition is that you need time to read the intent. Readers had to scan you before responding and adopted to drop the wave for ethical considerations. Cherry, his wife was a reader and he never got used to her cold stare at visitors or new work colleagues.

Once he complained and she had answered,
 “We have to. If you don't read them the wave could be interpreted as an acquiescence.
The wave ceremony is a way of getting to know someone politely. As a reader we do it by reading, it takes us less time and avoid mistakes. It also warns others that they are being read. If I just waved I’d be pretending I wasn’t a reader. That would not be fair.”
Keats brought Dickens home for a meal and his wife Cherry had read him at the door. Dickens had stood with his palm down in a friendly invite and his wife Cherry had stared coldly back. A minute passed and in the awkward hand retreat, Dickens had blushed vivid red and then made his apologies and left. His wife explained it was more appropriate that he had left. But no matter how he pressed her she would not tell him what she’d read. She responded,
“It’s against our ethics you know that.”

I had argued,
“But I’ve known him for years, I need to know!”
The next day I tried to call Dickens but there was no response. I never knew what she had read but the next day I explained that my friend had disappeared. Sherry had nodded knowingly,

“I expected he would, it's one of the reasons people keep to themselves nowadays. They know readers are out there and their act will be discovered.”
 Angrily I told her,

”Do you know in Pacifica readers are banned”.

She nodded unruffled.

“That's one way to approach it. I view it differently. You may find it intrusive and unfair but it is also a protection for the wider community. Pacifica has had huge spikes in negative activity probably as a result of not allowing readers”.
  Keats felt annoyed,
  “Oh, come on, you can't play that card and take the credit for solving social ills. Claim that without your kind, everybody misbehaves!”

Cherry looked Keats in the eyes before responding,

“Apart from being prejudiced against readers Pacifica has the highest child abuse, domestic abuse, animal cruelty and an epidemic of elderly early death syndrome”.

Once euthanasia was legally allowed and the numbers of deaths of elderly went through the roof the term EEDS was coin to address the broad spectrum condition from those who are terminally ill and wanting released from their suffering, to those whose greedy beneficiaries no longer wanted to wait for their elderly relatives to die of natural causes. While legal measures had been put in place to prevent healthcare officials from benefiting from EEDS, a whole subculture of vultures had emerged. Befriending the old, the ill and the isolated in order to line their own pockets with an endgame of termination became endemic. The media exposé highlighting these unscrupulous activities resulted in the elderly and the infirmed fleeing Pacifica. For elderly protection in other nations, readers were employed routinely to screen social contacts and had unearthed an uncomfortable amount of close relatives with unsavoury mindsets. Abusers were rarely the stranger on the street as had once been feared but much more commonly the homegrown family member. One online wit had coined the phrase, ‘everyone everywhere does something’ and it had been the rallying cry of the main political group in Pacifica. Cleverly highlighting a recognition that everyone committed negative acts and judgement wasn't an appropriate response. Despite all this being in the pubic domain, Keats still felt he had to hold to his argument,
“You make it sound as if readers commit no wrong!” He snapped.
Sherry was becoming irritated.
“I didn't say that. Of course there are positive and negative readers!”

The Lindenbury affair clarified that once and for all. In Pacifica a certain Louise Lindenbury, a reader, had taken money to make incorrect readings for the unscrupulous.   It was the case that led to the banning of readers from the country. A mass program of oppression had resulted in huge amounts of reader refugees crossing out of Pacifica borders. The ripples had also infected neighbouring nation states and resulted in the law ‘Watchers need Watched’. This required readers to be subjected to weekly supervision by other readers. This safety supervision was called intrusive by the reader community who argued that the wider community, who routinely committed atrocious deeds, were not subjected to such investigations. However, in the aftermath of the Lindenbury affair refugee readers had not been in a position to complain. They had been happy to find sanctuary and accepted the edict.

Cleverly, the weekly sessions were designed that refugee readers were supervised by resident readers and vice versa. Each set was anxious to prove that their particular nation was more morally innocent than the other. So these weekly supervision sessions had become ridiculously intense and stressful as minute signs of corruption were hunted for. Keats was beginning to feel sorry that he had raised the whole affair. Cherry would be having her weekly interrogation and it made no sense to torment her with history. So he spoke apologetically,
“I liked him, Dickens was one of my oldest friends and it hurt to drive him off like that. We went back 50 years”.

Sherry nodded in sympathy,

“I know, I'm sorry, but there was a reason the doctor kept him in a cybersleep state for 50 years and had little to do with his health issue.”
Keats held her arm gently,

“I don't want to know but I expect you had valid reasons. It doesn't make it easy for me but I have to respect your reading”.
Sherry responded by hugging him and Keats added,
“Knowledge is a terrible burden but like sight, if you have it you can't go through life blindfold that would be intolerable too. I expect the maxim if there are 10 qualities and an individual nine bad then we should focus on the one good is difficult to sustain when you're a reader”.
This was said sympathetically. Sherry responded,

“Actually no, usually readers are constantly inspired by what they pick up from others. Goodness is much more common than you think. In fact during our early supervision, in the years after Lindenbury we were taught ‘look inward and find what should not be there!’

Keats was bemused and asked, 
“What did that entail!”

Cherry explained,

“Well, in terms of the old maxim it meant we should read ourselves and find not the good qualities but the bad and use the supervision to address it fully. A painful affair but deemed necessary given what had just happened.”
Keats nodded and asked,
“So why did it change?”
“Well, given the fact that readers were constantly coming across excellent ideals thoughts, actions and deeds in those they met daily, weekly exposing of their own faults became too toxic for some. There was an outbreak of suicides in case loads of over zealous supervision officials.”

Keats was horrified and enquired,

“But surely the reader supervisors would've picked up on the dangerous thoughts the new maxim was triggering and then changed their practice?”

Cherry nodded,

“Some moderated their approach immediately, many resigned on principle, but most did not pick up on the suicidal leanings in clients because it was only in the days after supervision when reflecting on their own failings that things went downhill.”

“How long before things changed.” Keats asked.

“Four years.” Cherry answered.

“What!” Keats was shocked and Cherry elaborated,
“There was a change in the maxim. ‘Look inward and find what should not be there, look outward and be inspired by what you find in others’.”
Keats was angry and exploded,

“And that changed what exactly? It seems a half assed adjustment after four years!”
Cherry answered calmly,
“Actually it was very transforming. The protection of ourselves grew out of the learning from others. Until that point we were in a judgment mode of others without knowing it. Being asked to look inward critically meant we applied a toxic judgment mindset to ourselves. Once, it became balanced with and appreciation of the good in those we met, readers found themselves on a continual path of transformation. Now, during supervision the focus is on reading if that positive progress is being made. Are lessons learned in interactions with others being applied? Do our deeds match new modes of thinking or lag behind.”
Keats could understand the difference this could make and pointed out,

“So the weekly supervision is not so bad.”

Cherry paused before responding,

“Well, it depends, there are a few old school readers still supervising and while using the new maximum cling to the old practices.”
Keats was aghast,

“What! You mean it still goes on, driving readers over the edge?”

Cherry answered calmly,

“It's very rare now, all readers trained in the last decade wouldn't dream of applying the old maxim. Even veteran readers are undergoing retraining to address issues they may have. There is the odd old school supervisor that sneak through the system like mine.”
Keats groaned, 
“Oh Cherry, I didn't realize that's what you faced each week!”
“It's not too bad, it's exhausting, but nowadays the reader can usually pick up on first maxim supervisors and make sure they protect themselves by applying the second maxim in practice during the week.”
Keats asked pointedly,

“But what about those that don't manage that?”

Cherry explained,

“We learned a lot from what went on before. Recently published papers have indicated that even under the old maxim the majority of readers behaved ethically in society. Provided they had enough social interaction with healthy individuals. Rogue readers, like Louise Lindenbury, tended to work in closed systems like prisons or mental institutions with very disturbed and psychotic inmates. Such environments it turns out are not suitable for readers. We need the fresh streams of normality to keep us from being polluted.”

“Doesn't everyone!” asked Keats,

“But you can't imagine what it's like to read your friend Dickens and know exactly what he's done and what he would like to do. Imagine being surrounded by such people every minute of the day. You lose your perspective and even the second Maxim is no help because there is little inspiration from others to find. No, in such environments readers can only be used to help determine sentences but only once in a lifetime.”

Keats asked,
“Have you ever been called in to do sentencing?”

“No and I hope I never will.” answered Cherry, “It’s the two things that every reader endures but never enjoys supervision and sentencing.”

Keats nodded and added, 
“It seems we almost live in different worlds, you and I. I never really understood before.”
Cherry laughed,

“Actually for me living in a world where you cannot pick up on what someone is thinking, seems terrifying. I could not survive in your shoes for a day I would feel vulnerable and ignorant.”
Keats laughed in response and grimaced,

“And I couldn't last one hour in your shoes. Seeing inside another’s head and knowing all the murky details would seem like a never ending nightmare.”

Sherry grinned and pointed out,

“Well, it seems, none of us are tested beyond all limits. Perhaps our greatest protection is being exactly who we are ending grateful for that! And being especially appreciative of the goodness we find in others.”

(to be continued)

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

part 1 - Science Fiction

Have not been posting as I have been working on an piece of science fiction.  Here is the first section of this novella.  The next installment will be in a week or so.  Hope you like it.  Very different from my normal stuff and way outside my comfort zone - but great fun to construct and make up.  Set in the future!

Statement from the President of Pacifica

“Our country stands at an important crossroads in the history of our civilization. In order to understand where we are now, we must be aware of our history. Unlike previous multitude of nation states, today's great powers of Pacifica, Atlantica and Asia represent the entire population of our planet. As president of Pacifica, I have had to steer difficult ethical path in a world were other leaders have lost their footing.

Let me explain. In the early part of the 21st-century brain transplants became possible. Following the success of heart/lung/kidney/face replacements this seemed a natural progressive step. However, it would be another two decades before research discovered that the brain itself consists of two connected parts. During surgery only one part of the major brain organ was replaced. The brainstem was left intact as it had important connections to the spinal column and other vital nerve pathways. At that time, we were unaware of the effect of two brains in situ for a lifetime. What actually happened was a form of gradual communication between the new brain and the old brain stem. This linkage arose because of the plasticity of brain cells, which had previously thought only to exist in embryonic and developing brains. From close physical proximity the brains learnt how to communicate. This had no effect on the first generation of patients but had tragic consequences on their children.

In 50% of their offspring there was indication of telepathic capacities. This so-called learnt behaviour meant they were able to read the minds of others in their proximity. We call those unfortunates, readers. Let us call a spade a spade. These readers are an accident, and mishap of modern transplantation that should never have happened. We have learned to our cost, that surgery has far outstripped ethical considerations. All three superpowers no longer permit partial brain transplants but the damage has been done. For some time we will have readers in our midst, that is the conclusion of the other superpowers. Until, this abomination is diluted through genetic mixing and the dying out of existing readers they say we must be patient and long suffering.

We, here in Pacifica say no! We will not tolerate mind readers within our borders. They will not be allowed to play God amongst us. Reading our private thoughts, judging and dispensing their misguided sentencing. Innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental right. I am responsible for what I do, not what I think. Only my actions are accountable. We do not accept their strange world of thought control and monitoring. Their ability to abuse their powers has been exposed in our courts. What more do our neighbours want? There has been a consensus here in Pacifica and expulsion of readers has cleansed our home. It has protected our rights, as free individuals in a free society. While the other superpowers play gruesome games disfiguring their justice systems and social structures to accommodate these medical mistakes, we have held fast to what it is to be a human. We alone, have kept our focus on human society and governance. Our clarity has shown the lack of morality of other superpowers. They want to fudge the truth because they have forgotten the essentials. They think with maxims or supervision and diversity drives these mind readers can be corralled, controlled or embedded. We alone guessed that the plasticity of their brains which causes the telepathy will also frustrate any attempt to legislate or control. Soon their mistaken philosophy will become apparent.

In essence, human beings have been invaded by an alien of their own making. Would we willingly continence this alien intrusion into our lives, thoughts and future. No, friends we would not! We will not! Pacifica stands firm for your rights, human rights. Having expelled readers we have taken the first step of our liberation. Now, we must close our borders to avoid infiltration. We must control and monitor the enemy within. This will be our second battle. We have begun a war and there will be many battles before victory is ours. As long as expulsion is possible, readers will be exiled but soon other superpowers will realise their mistake in accepting these toxic specimens. Here, in Pacifica we have recently developed the technology to identify readers from birth. I find it significant that both superpowers, at great expense, have ordered particular technology from us. As always, we lead where others follow. When, they refuse to except readers, we will have to bring in legislation for the disposal of what is medical waste. Make no mistake, our ability to clean Pacifica from this abomination will be an example that the rest will inevitably have to follow.

We are steeled for the longer view. We see with clarity the path ahead which others have failed to see. We are precious, we are unique, we are human beings. This is our pledge to you, Pacifica and this is the Ark of humanity of this planet. Your safety, our security. We have chosen the right and only path for the future of us all.” be continued 

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Purses and porn - insights

Since losing my purse from my bag a few weeks ago, I have begun behaving oddly.  First of all, I tend to walk about with my handbag pressed tightly against my chest.  Secondly, I now put my purse in a zipped pocket deep inside the handbag for safe keeping.  This means that I regularly look for my purse in the bag to find it missing and have momments of panic frequently until I remember that it in the hidden pocket.  So my added precaution has contributed to the general fear and panic.  Anxiety, has a power of its own and makes us behave in odd ways.  The passport becomes the centre of our thoughts when travelling abroad and at airports we all exhibit unusual behaviour.  Does this seem familiar?

Amusing to watch but worrying to experience.  Hindsight is 20/20 vision they say.  You can look back on things with amusement even when they were horrid at the time.  However, reflection can be challenging as well as informative.  I made a posting some weeks ago about how so many of my page views were from people in Russia and the Ukraine.  A little bit of reflection on this and some research showed that in fact the referrring sites were mostly from porn sites situated in these countries.  They use viewing as a sort of fishing exbitition to find more interested people.  I had googled 'lots of page views on blog from Russia?' and there were descriptions of how this whole seedy business works.  I checked my stats from the blog and guess what - the page views were from oddly named sites indeed.  Darn, no interested followers from the eastern block, just fishing porno sites seeking to recruit.  Sigh! Purses and porn - seems to be the theme of this month.  Hopefully, I shall find better focus next time.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Purse taken today - pickpockets strike!

The day started okay.  Much like any normal day, no better no worse.  I always enjoy waking.  It is not that I am an early bird or especially chirpy in the morning it’s just the thought of breakfast ever cheers.  Our printer is out of ink so my main task for today was to go to the ink cartridge refill place on Malta and get a multitude of empty cartridges filled.  Thus ensuring that at those critical moments when you need to print out a boarding pass, receipt, report etc. the printer actually works.  For once, I wanted to be organised and get a back up supply like normal people.  So that when the ink runs down you just pull open a drawer and grab a replacement.  

The walk is not a pleasant one from Sliema to San Gwan.  All traffic fumes and uneven paths, road works and building dust.  I reached the printers office and got the refills though it took longer than I expected and it meant there was not enough time to walk home to meet my appointment back in Sliema.  Checking with the staff there the closest bus stop was at the main hospital, the Mater Dei, so I walked briskly there.  At the bus stop I used my phone to call and explain my lateness.  

As I spoke there was a surge of people around moving towards the oncoming buses.  I felt a bump on the side and straightened up closing the phone.  Reaching in to my bag I searched for my purse to buy a ticket and found the bag empty.  My purse was missing!  I had those moments of disbelief, followed by a sinking realisation that not only had I lost by bank cards, my drivers licence, my Maltese ID card, all my money and even my Canadian birth certificate.  Then, that bump as the crowd surged around me lodged in my head as the moment I had been pick-pocketed.  You feel a fool, a chump, an easy target.  

You also look around at the people surrounding you with new eyes.  Instead of bonhomie you scan the faces searching for the villain.  Helplessness kicked in when I realised that I could not even afford the 1.50 euro bus fare.  I did not have a penny/cent.  Deciding to report the theft  to the local police station in San Gwan I did some more walking.  All the time, wondering if the thieves were ordering things online with my card?  Were they having a meal on my money?  Laughing at their success as they went shopping for luxuries on Amazon, booking hotels, trips etc. 

Reporting the event in the police station was not a rewarding experience.  Everything is done on computer and it was worrisome that the policewoman was a slow keyboard operator, asking advice from colleagues, getting me to repeat details.  The form to be filled in was endless and suddenly I wanted to be home cancelling my cards not here watching two fingers laboriously type.  Eventually, they gave me a number on a torn out piece of paper.  I presume if you are a tourist on holiday your insurance expects such numbers.  I have to confess I was hoping for an alert officer a bit like Inspector Morse who would be instantly on the case.  Perhaps, checking out CCTV footage at the hospital, sending an undercover officer to study the incident scene.  I know, I know it wasn’t realistic but one hopes. 

When you have been the victim of a crime you feel forlorn, abused and the police you hope are on your side.  The reality the world over is that they are going through the motions.  It is their job to record, put things on paper and file.  They know the pointlessness of it all but it is their job.  I asked at the close of our meeting if I could get a lift home to Sliema.  No, they couldn’t but they could order a taxi for me.  I pointed out that the past hour had been all about the fact that my purse had been taken and that I couldn’t afford bus fare never mind a taxi.  To be sure I had walked all the way from Sliema to San Gwan but losing my purse had drained me of all energy.  To contemplate the long dusty walk back, recalling the event, feeling useless and stupid seemed intolerable.  But walk it, I did and each step I felt peculiar, as if I really just wanted to burst into tears.  Strange emotions running wild, surfing on an anxiety about the bank cards.  

When things go bad, you suddenly know that other bad things can happen too.  Anything is possible.  All sorts of things that would never have jumped into your head are now there.  The very same people I passed on the way up now appeared much more ominous and threatening going down.  Instead of just looking sullen they looked dangerous.  I was glad to get home and get online and cancel cards.  Relieved to find no one had ordered widescreen TVs or run up debts.  Just happy to know the limit of my losses.  It feels strange.  I have absolutely no energy.  If I were an apple it’s like someone took the core out of me.  Ah well, silly to make a fuss of it.  One lives and one learns.  I had grown too relaxed in my habits.  People are usually so honest on islands, it sometimes needs a shock like this to wake you up to the real world.  This article caught my eye in the local press.

Elite pickpockets target bus commuters!  It appears these things happen more frequently that I thought.  One victim lost £500 from illicit use of her card.  When I phoned through to my bank to block my card it was the boredom and slowness of the operator that distressed me.  Of course they are just doing their job but it seems crime is so common we have all become rather blasé about the whole business.  Victims want something back.  A listening ear, even pretended concern would help, a bit of courteousness or sensitivity would go a long way.  One feels stupid enough already without dismissive boredom.  If solving crime, capturing the villain, is so tricky perhaps we could train our police to be a source of comfort and reassurance to the victims of crime, as a basic minimum?

Years ago I visited a dear couple on Rhodes who lived in a farm in a lovely valley.  As we sat under their fruit trees I complained that I never got birthday cards.  My husband pointed out rightly that I never remembered to send them so why should others bother?  Since my birthday had passed I was surprised when our hostess disappeared and then came back and presented me with a bag of her jewellery as a gift.  I was shocked and reluctant to take it but she insisted it was only cheap jewellery and she would be happy for me to have it.  It looked lovely and the colours attractive, with rings, necklaces and bracelets of all kinds.  It was so typical of these lovely pensioners to be so giving.  Imagine my horror to learn the next week that they had been robbed and they had lost so much including even clothes from their wardrobes and most of their valuables.  But on talking to them subsequently, I learned that they had been robbed the day before we called.  They just didn’t want to ruin our visit by mentioning it.  The reason her bag contained only cheap jewellery was because the thieves had taken her best.  To be kind and generous at such a time of stress and loss takes real nobility. 

So I will shut up about my day and leave you all in peace.  Life teaches us many lessons and there are times when you just have to suck it in and respond with whatever goodness you have left in the tin.