Wednesday 22 February 2012

Why do Dogs Eat Shit?

Basically there are four main reasons dog eat shit. 
1.      It can be a vitamin deficiency and by giving them supplements they stop. 
2.      It is a learned behaviour, they see others do it and then try it. 
3.      They grow accustomed to the taste and like it. 
4.      It can be an attention seeking device as they know their owners get really worked up when they see them eat shit. 
You can see that this behaviour can spill from one reason to another.  i.e. a dog sees other dogs do it and tries it, then grows accustomed to the taste and begins to like it. 
I feel there are parallels here with backbiting and gossiping.
1.      People have something missing in their own life so they focus on things they don't like in others
2.      They often listen to others gossiping and they assume that it is normal
3.      They do it so often it becomes a habit hard to stop – they enjoy it too much
4.      It often gets them extra attention from others so it has its rewards

Just as dogs don't eat their own shit, people don't like dealing with their own problems
But this backbiting and gossiping is toxic for those who are its focus and its effects can spread out and have long lasting unforeseen consequences. 

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